Sunday, October 10, 2010

10/10 "The Glass Menagerie"

The characters in the play "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams, seem to be pretty relateable. They are a common family dealing with a lot of the same issues many other family's are faced with. Amanda Wingfield is the mother of both Laura and Tom. She expresses a lot of concern for her children. Amanda does come off as quiet controlling and smothering as well, Laura is the eldest child and her mother is pressuring her to find a husband. For some time Laura lied to her mother about attending business school when in reality she spent her time walking around the park and being alone. Amanda thought that business school would be a good idea for Laura since she doesn't have a boyfriend she could at least have a good career. " We won't have a business career-we've given that up because it gave us nervous indigestion!(1002)" This is a good example of Amanda's controlling behavior, since she refers to Laura's career as her own too. Amanda puts a lot of pressure on her younger son Tom as well, only pushing him further away from the family, eventually causing him to leave.