Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/15 "This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix Arizona"

1. Who is the main character or protagonist of the story?
The main character of this story is Victor, he is also the protagonist.

2.Make a quick list of the character's physical, mental, moral, or behavioral traits. Which seem especially significant to the actions of the story?
Victor is a middle-age Native American man who lives with his mother in a reservation. He seems to carry a depressed mood through most of the story. He did lose his job and find out about his father's death at the same time. He seems sluggish and sad through his tone but he is also determined to find a way to get to Phoenix to claim his father's savings account and ashes. His main motive at first was to claim his father's money, but he did not expect to leave with closer and peace of mind.

3. Does the main character have an antagonist in the story? How do they differ?
I believe that the antagonist of the story is the same person as the protagonist, Victor. He is trying to find a way to Phoenix, Arizona to claim his father's savings account, and he comes across an old friend named Thomas Builds-The_Fire who ironically helps him even after Victor deserted their friendship. Victor's motives are all about claiming his father's money in Phoenix but he did not expect Thomas to broaden his mindset and help him to see that there was more to life then allowing in his own depression and pride get the best of him. I believe that Victor was not happy with the person he had become as an adult, and Thomas is a representation of Victor's happier days when money did not matter but relationships did. "He knew he needed more more to make it to Phoenix and back. He knew he needed Thomas Builds-The-Fire. So he put his money in his wallet and opened the front door to find Thomas on the porch. (250)" Thomas promised Victor's father that he would help watch over him, and that is exactly what he does.

4. Does the way the protagonist speak reveal anything about his or her personality?
Yes, Victor speaks with a melancholy tone through most of the story and also an eager tone at times, that reveals his sense of emptiness in the story. " 'Listen,' Victor said. 'My father died. I need some money to get to Phoenix to make arrangements.' ... 'But I thought the council had special funds set aside for stuff like this.'"(248) Victor's tone here shows he did not quite realize the value of his trip yet but still insisted on going for the money.

5.What is the characters primary motivation? Does this motivation seem reasonable to you?
Victor's primary motivation is to claim his father's money in Phoenix. This motivation seems reasonable to me since Victor has just lost his job and is very poor. This trip ends up doing much more for Victor than just the extra money he gained by going. He does not only gain money but he also gains closer with his father and a sense of peace with himself.

6. Does the protagonist fully understand his or her motivations?
No, Victor does not fully understand his motivations for the trip to Phoenix. He thinks he is just going to claim the money from his father's savings, but he is really going to get some closer and gain a sense of selfness where he doesn't already carry those traits because he lets his pride and sadness get the best of him.

7. In what ways is the protagonist changed or tested by the events of the story?
When Thomas  re-enters Victor's life he helps him to gain closer and peace of mind was the main motive of his trip. Victor and Thomas had a very fun and happy childhood together and Thomas made a promise to Victor's father that he would watch over him and he did just that. By telling Victor the promise he made to his father years ago he is basically telling him that his father did love him very much and his father already knew Thomas would always be a reliable friend.In the end Victoir is a happier person and he found himself in Phoenix, Arizona just by reuniting with an old friend.

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